When we offer an organization a "Matching Grant," what does that mean?
In general, we expect organizations to pay for half the costs of the consultant's time on the capacity-building project. For example, if the total cost of the consultant's time on the project you plan to undertake is $6000, the CORE grant would be for $3000, and you will need to raise another $3000 in cash to pay for the rest of the consultant's time.
On a case-by-case basis, we are open to exploring arrangements where some of the matching is in-kind rather than cash. This could include goods or services contributed to the organization for the capacity-building project by individuals, other agencies, or businesses, such as donated or discounted space and equipment rental, printing, advertising costs, professional services and other labor. In some cases it might also include volunteer time or Time Dollars through the Dane County TimeBank, or the expense of staff time spent on the project if funded by other budget sources. Such arrangements need to be negotiated with us and approved by the CORE Steering Committee.
On a case-by-case basis, we are open to exploring arrangements where some of the matching is in-kind rather than cash. This could include goods or services contributed to the organization for the capacity-building project by individuals, other agencies, or businesses, such as donated or discounted space and equipment rental, printing, advertising costs, professional services and other labor. In some cases it might also include volunteer time or Time Dollars through the Dane County TimeBank, or the expense of staff time spent on the project if funded by other budget sources. Such arrangements need to be negotiated with us and approved by the CORE Steering Committee.