What if we could improve the fit between organizations’ aspirations and capacity builders’ expertise?
How might we better match projects and resources to produce better results?
What if new levels of effectiveness, sustainability and joy could be right around the corner?
How might we better match projects and resources to produce better results?
What if new levels of effectiveness, sustainability and joy could be right around the corner?

CORE ran three pilot rounds of our signature program, Match for Change (MfC). The Program is on hold while we explore potential options for CORE's future.
In CORE's Match for Change Program, trained volunteer "Connectors" meet with organizational and consultant applicants and work together to discern 2-3 well-fitting consultants for each organization. The program included assisted contracting, where organizations in Match for Change are given $500 to provide a stipend to their selected consultant to craft a clear capacity-building plan, and matching funding, where organizations with a clear, realistic, and fundable plan were awarded matching funds up to $5000 for the capacity-building project.
Learn more about how the program worked here:
In CORE's Match for Change Program, trained volunteer "Connectors" meet with organizational and consultant applicants and work together to discern 2-3 well-fitting consultants for each organization. The program included assisted contracting, where organizations in Match for Change are given $500 to provide a stipend to their selected consultant to craft a clear capacity-building plan, and matching funding, where organizations with a clear, realistic, and fundable plan were awarded matching funds up to $5000 for the capacity-building project.
Learn more about how the program worked here: